Pancake day at home with family

Soooo yesterday was Pancake Day! Sorry the correct term is Shrove Tuesday… Wow it was a good day. I stuffed myself silly on pancakes sweets chocolates and anything remotely sugary! SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR.

Every year my Mum prepares a pancake treat for the Family and this year was no exception.. well the only exception of Ben and Will not being around to join in the fun; MEH more pancakes for ME I mean… ‘US.’ They are currently in Birmingham for University… The only two out of the eldest six who decided university was the right path to choose! I for one am proud they got their shizz together and went on to gain a high education… You go glen cocoa’s.

Anyhow… back to Pancake Day! SO IT WAS AMAZING! I ate three pancakes… filled with a variety of interesting topics… banana, crunchy and smooth peanut butter, ice cream, Philadelphia cheese spread, original lemon and sugar, Nutella, kiwis, marshmallows, marmalade, smarties, golden syrup, sprinkles and even chucked on cookie and cream protein powder (mixed with cream of course) for good measure!

FYI Orange Smarties taste different to the rest of the coloured smarties! Actual FACT! They taste of chocolate orange… If you have not discovered this you must now go to your nearest shop and taste for yourself hehe.


Bro’s tucking in.


It was only appropriate to draw FAT in squirty cream….


Standard lemon and sugar pancake.


People who attended the Othen/Alexander Pancake Day Bash.

Me, Gemma, Jessica, Natalie, William, Ben, Stuart, Gareth, Luke and Oliver 🙂

So as I officially went HAM on Sugar yesterday… Today is now a SAD SAD day… Out of choice I have given up Chocolate, Sweets, Biscuits, Cakes, Ice Cream oh and Bread so NO croissants, bagels, currant buns, sandwiches, bread rolls, toasted pannis… mmm lets not dwell on my past eating habits as today I embark on my new challenge: LENT! I have always given up my favourite foods/sauces/drinks etc for Lent since I was 15 and this year is no exception.

After 2x chocolate yoghurts, 5 biscuits (not including half a pack I ate yesterday at work) another pack of smarties, a few cheeky spoonfuls of Nutella and peanut butter together – this is heaven btw. I ended my night with my last chocolate fix of a 247 calorific kitkat chunky and a bucket load of peanut butter (obv a family sized tub for me).


Wish me luck and please pray for me.

